George Bush says that he know's that we fought a just war in Iraq, and that God is on our side!
The next thing you know is that some whacko is on this forum stating that George Bush was told to go to war by God!
Some left wing whacko makes a fake "documentary" where he twists the facts of the 911 attack into a parody of the truth, and next thing is, you read some extremist whacko on this forum rambling on, using the points from this mockumentary as though they are the truth, and not a twisted lie.
Some extremist web site comes out with a list of near truths, inuendos, and lies, and the next thing you know, some idiot is posting it on this forum and quoting it as though it were the truth.
I've seen a few posters on this site who don't resort to bashing, although they clearly state their postions as opposing Bush; to them I doff my hat!
To those people who can find nothing positive to say about their man, who do nothing but bash Bush, I say "Get a life".
Quit being such pessimists, you'll live a happier, longer life. He's the president now, and he could be the president again!
If you don't like it, well....... you can move to Canada or France!
The next thing you know is that some whacko is on this forum stating that George Bush was told to go to war by God!
Some left wing whacko makes a fake "documentary" where he twists the facts of the 911 attack into a parody of the truth, and next thing is, you read some extremist whacko on this forum rambling on, using the points from this mockumentary as though they are the truth, and not a twisted lie.
Some extremist web site comes out with a list of near truths, inuendos, and lies, and the next thing you know, some idiot is posting it on this forum and quoting it as though it were the truth.
I've seen a few posters on this site who don't resort to bashing, although they clearly state their postions as opposing Bush; to them I doff my hat!
To those people who can find nothing positive to say about their man, who do nothing but bash Bush, I say "Get a life".
Quit being such pessimists, you'll live a happier, longer life. He's the president now, and he could be the president again!
If you don't like it, well....... you can move to Canada or France!